From Moorlands to Moorlander: A Kit Obsession
- by Dom Geraci

We invite Randy, also known as Moorlander, to share his passion and obsession with outdoor kit. We’re curious to learn about his journey and how he creates content that resonates with other enthusiasts like us.
I'm Randy. I was born in the Staffordshire Moorlands AKA The Kingdom of the Moorlands and lived that wholesome 80s outdoor lifestyle. The back door of my parent's house fell onto the Moorlands. I could walk in any direction for as long as I wanted and always be out adventuring. It was a small rural town about 2 miles away from Alton Towers surrounded by other smaller villages and farms. Luckily my brother and I were reasonably well behaved so never really annoyed the farmers or were chased off their land. There was nothing but fields, trees, woods, and a brook. I think that's really where I get my love of the outdoors from. The 80s were a great time. My mum and dad gave us a lot of freedom to explore.
My dad loved being outdoors too which rubbed off on my brother and I. Dad worked as a teacher (well, it was the 80s and even a teacher had to have a few other jobs to keep the wolves from the door) and would take kids on camping trips to the Lakes for weeks. The idea of taking 30 kids to the lakes to camp and walk the fells nowadays must be a logistical nightmare. Because dad was off adventuring he'd always have new gear and kit to show me. My grandfathers served during the war and also had mountains of kit for me to play with too... Hence the love of gear as well. I've done quite a bit of reflective thinking over the last few years. Mum would kick my brother and I out of his early on a Saturday morning with some sandwiches thrown into an old army satchel, give me her snoopy wrist watch and tell us to be home by a certain time. Fast forward 30 years and I'm all about that kit and love wrist watches. I'm sure somewhere I might be on some sort or form of spectrum as I really enjoy looking at the nitty gritty behind items. I like the details. How high is the denier of the Cordura used on this pack? Does it use YKK zips or are they a no name brand? Is there really a difference between them anyway other than a recognised name? What's in this pocket? Does it have any organisation? Are we talking PALs webbing or some elastic loops? What blade stock is this knife made from? What makes that steel better than this? It's all these minute details I like to look at. It's probably why my content is usually longer than others. I guess it works as clearly others like to know and wonder about the same things I do as well
My channel grew out of a pretty dark place. Back in 2018 I had a mental breakdown due to some issues at work. I'd struggled with my mental health since I was in my late teens/early 20s but it was 2018 when it all came to a head. I'd been off work for a considerable amount of time and whilst talking to therapists I'd mentioned that I really enjoy my job. My full time day to day job is working in big Pharma. I work for a company that helps doctors and pharma companies. If Doctor X cures cancer, we help them to write their papers so it can be put into medical publications like the Lancet. If Pharma company X has a new drug and needs to train doctors and other health care professionals on how to use it, we help to create that training. I work in a studio where we create the graphical elements, illustration and video. My buddies think I draw dicks all day because I spent a week illustrating a particularly nasty penis infection. I spent another week illustrating the 7 types of poo on the Bristol Stool Scale (yes, it's a thing and it's easily Google'able). I'm creative and my therapist said I should do something that's similar to work but not work. I'd always thought about making a channel and took the plunge. Mrs Moorlander was terrified as I wasn't in a good place, I was struggling with a stammer and I'm now putting myself out to the entire internet for critique. Luckily I've been able to surround myself with a really positive group of friends and subscribers. Moorlander EDC has definitely evolved over the years from focusing solely on EveryDay Carry items to more outdoor gear. My nerd curiosity knows no bounds.
A few years back I also started a second channel called Moorlander Tactical. A lot of the gear that I test is either intended for military use or military inspired. I started playing airsoft and had mountains of gear to use. I'd also work with a lot of companies who'd send over a few bags and ask if I'd like to make some content on a vest or a chest rig. It wasn't really suited for Moorlander EDC and I didn't want to annoy my subscribers there so Moorlander Tactical became a thing. Now I get nerd out over chest rigs, plate carriers, belts etc... It's all the same nerdy curiosity whereas this time it's how does this retention system work? How does this mag stay in place? Can this ammo pouch be repurposed to fit in X, Y or Z. Whilst do all this I get to create content that hopefully helps other nerd out on it too.
Subscribe to Moorlander's channel on YouTube and watch his review of the Halo Smock vs Halo Smock FZ.